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Análisis de imágenes inteligente para guiar sus decisiones


Información basada en precisión

La plataforma Avant Geospatial está diseñada para procesar datos geoespaciales complejos, ofreciendo información de alta precisión para la toma de decisiones estratégicas. Aprovechando algoritmos avanzados, nuestra plataforma facilita un análisis eficiente y confiable, crucial para el desarrollo de políticas y la estrategia comercial.

Soluciones Integrales de Observación de la Tierra

Ofrecemos un conjunto de servicios de análisis que transforman las imágenes satelitales en inteligencia procesable. Diseñadas para profesionales de la planificación urbana, la gestión ambiental y los sectores comerciales estratégicos, nuestras soluciones brindan a los usuarios los datos necesarios para tomar decisiones informadas. Contáctenos para paquetes de servicios personalizados y opciones de precios, incluidas herramientas de visualización dinámica.

Two men working on a laptop aboard a boat, with a view of the ocean and a mountainous coastline in the background

Promoción del desarrollo ecológico

Avant Geospatial utiliza tecnologías de imágenes de vanguardia, incluidos datos multiespectrales e hiperespectrales, para respaldar iniciativas de desarrollo sostenible. Nuestros conocimientos ayudan en el monitoreo ambiental, la optimización agrícola y la planificación urbana, contribuyendo a reducir la huella ambiental y aumentar la eficiencia operativa. Explore nuestras ofertas de servicios para soluciones sostenibles a precios competitivos.

 Two workers in high-visibility vests and helmets using tablets, standing in a forested area with mountains and clouds in the background



  • Ciberseguridad de clase mundial

  • Cifrado a nivel bancario

  • HTTPS seguro utilizado para todas las comunicaciones de cliente a servidor

  • Información almacenada localmente en Oceanía en servidores AWS

  • Los datos se replican en múltiples ubicaciones, como precaución contra desastres naturales u otros eventos.

A focused woman in a high-visibility jacket works at a computer, accompanied by colleagues in safety gear and helmets, in a control room setting

Información en tiempo real para acción inmediata

Nuestra plataforma proporciona análisis geoespaciales en tiempo real, lo que permite a las partes interesadas adaptarse rápidamente a los cambios ambientales, operativos y de mercado.

Análisis de próxima generación
+ Integración de interfaz de usuario personalizada

Avant ofrece una opción personalizada de análisis y gestión de datos. Escalable y puede adaptarse a sus necesidades específicas.

A smiling woman is engaged in a cheerful conversation with two colleagues in a modern office setting, with plants and hanging lights in the background

Learn more about Avant Global's custom AI software solutions designed to enhance your business efficiency and automate tasks. Our AI software integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum benefit. AI Software Solutions Avant Global specialises in creating AI software that addresses the unique challenges and opportunities within your business. Our goal is to help you improve efficiency and automate tasks wherever possible. We design and build smart AI software that integrates well with your current systems, enhancing your business operations without causing disruptions. Simple Integration Our software is built to fit smoothly into your existing business setup. We manage the integration process from start to finish, ensuring your new AI system works seamlessly with your current infrastructure. This means you can enjoy the benefits of advanced AI technology without the hassle of major system overhauls. Experienced Network of Experts Our team has extensive experience in AI technology and its applications across various industries. This expertise ensures that we provide knowledgeable and competent service tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are in agriculture, forestry, government, or any other sector, our experts are ready to help you harness the power of AI. Protecting High-Level Intellectual Property At Avant Global, we prioritise data security. Our commitment includes: World-class cybersecurity: We implement top-tier security measures to protect your data. Bank-level encryption: All data is encrypted to the highest standards. Secure HTTPS: Used for all client-to-server communications, ensuring data integrity and security. Local data storage: Information is stored locally in your region on AWS servers. Data replication: Data is replicated across multiple locations as a precaution against natural disasters or other unforeseen events. Real-Time Support Access Our service team is available around the globe to provide real-time support. For some clients, we allocate a specific team or individual to maintain and manage your AI systems 24/7. This ensures immediate action and continuous support whenever you need it. Next-Gen Analytics and Custom UI Integration Avant Global offers custom analytics and data management options that are scalable and adaptable to your specific needs. Our next-generation analytics provide valuable insights, and our custom user interface integration ensures that you can manage and interpret your data with ease. Stay Updated with the Latest News and Tech Updates Be the first to receive the latest news and tech updates from Avant Global. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about new developments and innovations in AI technology.

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